Rising tide

This week room 2 has been reading a book called rising tide. After reading chapter 1 we had to do some activities.

Here are some pitchers of the slides:

       For this one I had to make aris bedroom and here it is.

What do you think?

Have you read the book rising tide?

Punctuation Term 3 2022

Today we have been learning to use our punctuation. We made up a story to practice our punctuation. Every time you do some punctuation  in your story you get a point.

Here is the story

If you cant see it here is what it says:

Animal Adventure p1

One hot day, a fox was sleeping in its den. Her name was Laura. She loves playing in the trees. One day Laura was playing in the trees and she went too far and got Lost!! She was very scared then … Suddenly she bumped into something. She turned around and saw a panda. She said her name was Summer-rose. Laura asked if Summer-rose knew the way home to Laura’s den, but She dident but she did say that she could help Laura find her home. They travailed off together.

Animal Adventures p2

They went past some trees and logs until they heard a howl. They thought it was a monster, but out of the shadows came a Wolf. She said her name was Ash. Laura asked if Ash knew the way home to Laura’s den, but She dident but she did say that she could help Laura find her home. ¨shall we be friends?¨ asked Summer-rose, ¨Yes¨ said Laura ¨Shall we go and find your home?¨ Said summer-rose ¨Yeah¨ said Laura So they travailed of together.

(More coming)

Total Points: 30

Do you know what level you’re on?

All about Uranus

Today Room 2 Worked on a planet to write about.

I picked Uranus because it’s a cool planet and its blue, I also like that Uranus has Rings.

Here is my Writing:


Uranus was named after a Greek god of the Sky. Uranus is next to Neptune and Saturn.

Uranus has two sets of rings. The rings are the colour dark Gray. There are two outer rings; the innermost one is reddish like dusty rings.

The planet Uranus has 27 known moons, most of which weren’t discovered. They range from Titania, 981 miles in diameter, to tiny Cupid only 11 miles in diameter.

Uranus owes its vibrant blue-green hues not from unusual oceans but from an upper atmosphere flush with methane, which absorbs the sun’s red light and scatters blue light back to our eyes. The rest of the planet’s atmosphere is largely made of hydrogen and helium, with scant amounts of ammonia, water, and methane.

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun, and has the third-largest diameter in our solar system. Uranus was discovered in 1781 by astronomer William Herschel, although he originally thought it was either a comet or a star.Uranus took shape when the rest of the solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in to become this ice giant.

Do you like my Writing?

What’s your favourite planet?

Saving sand dunes

On Friday 18th of march we have been learning to save the sand dune and went down to the beach, WITH MY WHOLE SCHOOL!!

Sand dune are sand in a big pile stopping big waves from flooding the city or any thing like that.

Here is a pitcher of sand dunes

We learnt a lot of things like how they are made and the plants that go on them and all sorts of things.

here is a pitcher of me and my group making a sand dune

The People in my Group were: Me, Nixon, Stella, Marcus and Jamie.

Can you spot me?

if you can send me a comment.

if you cant, Im here with the stick and the black and white coat

Here is a pitcher of our sand dune


The best part was when we were making the sand dunes and decorating them!

What would you do to save the sand dunes or to make one?




My Narrative- The Great escape

W.A.L.T     write a Narrative.

Today In Room 2 we have been learning to write a narrative. A narrative is a made up story. A narrative needs a Introduction/Setting, problem, Rising Action, Climax and a Resolution/conclusion.

The Great Escape

One warm day a Girl called Harmony had a big field for her Cute pets to play in. She has 10 pets! (That’s why she has a big field). The animals Are: a fox 🦊, a dog🐶, a cat🐱, a panda🐼, a penguin🐧, a seal🦭, a horse🐴, a koala🐨, a wolf🐺 and a bunny🐰! There names are Foxy🦊, Buddy🐶, Cheeky🐱, Grace🐼, Pegie🐧, Summer🦭, Clover🐴, Fluffy🐨, Shadow🐺 and Hops🐰. Everyday I played with my pets. They usually play hops and robbers, how you play is Hops my bunny is the cop and the rest is robbers. ¨If you get tagged by hops you become a cop too ¨. After playing lots of Rounds of hops and robbers¨, Night fell. I went in my house to rest, same as my pets but they usually go in the barn where they all have their own beds.


 In the morning when I was still sleeping I heard a big bang or crack. I got out of bed to open my curtains and when I opened the curtains there was a Giant HOLE in the fence!!!!!!!!! All of my pets ran out! I quickly ran out my door (still having my pj’s on) and got in the car and Zoomed after them! 

Rising Action

The only problem was that they were everywhere! I drove after Foxy and Hops and man they were fast. I reached out as far as I could go and I caught Foxy! I put foxy in the back seat, Now I’m going to try to catch Hops. Yet again I reached out as far as I could and I caught Hops! I put Hops in the back seat too. Now I have to try and catch the others. 


My Target now is Shadow or Clover. On my way round the block I saw Shadow but no sign of Clover. I did the same with Foxy and Hops, I reached out as far as I could and court Shadow. Now, where’s Clover? Well I didn’t find Clover but I found Summer in the outside cold pools. She was too distracted in the pool so I quietly got out of the car and tiptoed to Summer and caught her. Nice, I court Foxy, Hops, Shadow and Summer! 6 more to go!


 I was driving round the block To see if I could see any more But just then the ground was vibrating and I looked up to see what it was and it was the animal control! Someone must have called them to come and catch my other pets! OH NO. I was in the car driving round hoping to try and find the rest of my pets, Suddenly I saw Buddy my dog! I opened my window and called out his name 5 times. (He usually would come after I called his name 5 times). He suddenly looked at me and came running! I opened the door for him and he jumped in. 5 left to go! I have Grace, fluffy, Clover, Cheeky and pegie left! 


Just after 2 minutes I saw Clover but he was speeding  away because the animal control was after him! I drove as fast as I could and reached out and caught her. OK, now I have 4 pets left to find. After 5 minutes I found Grace and pegie together. I caught pegie straight away because she waddles instead of running. Now I need to catch Grace. She is really big cause she’s a panda so I need a trailer to put her in. I quickly got a trailer out of my garage and went back. When I got back the animal control was chasing Grace! I quickly drove to Grace and I said hop on and she jumped on the trailer. 2 more to go! Even known I had 2 more to go I took my pets back so that the other 2 would fit and they wont run away because some builders fixed the gate. So I dropped off my pets and went back to town.

Resolution/ conclusion

I was A bit worried because what if the animal control found them and catched them I mean i can’t see them. Just as I was going to call animal control I saw the last 2 of my pets! It was fluffy and cheeky. I reached out and caught them then I stopped the car and gave them a big hug. After all of that catching and worrying about stuff Me and all my pets played a game of hops and robbers.


The End!













My Favourite part of the story is the part when they Played hops and robbers together at the start of the story.

What do you think of the story?

What would yours be about?

Do you like Animals?

My Diamante Poem about Leaves

W.A.L.T     Write an Autumn Diamante poem.

In Room 2 we have been learning to write a autumn Diamante poem.

If you dont know what a diamante poem is a Diamante poem is a poem thats in a diamond shape and it got its name by a diamond. Its a poem that doesn’t need to rhyme.

Here is my work:


If it’s a bit blurry or small I will Tell you What it says.

It says


Crunchy        Crisp

Spinning      Flying    Changing

Twig     Breeze       Tree        Rake

Crumbling     Crunching      Falling

Fragile           Amber



My Favourite word is Breeze.

Do you Know all the seasons?

What will your words be?

What’s your Favourite season?

all about me

Today we have been learning about how to make an avatar of me with a background of all the thing we like

here is mine:

What would yours look like?

Do you like mine?

Do you want to make an avatar?- click this link to get to the sight and click this other link to get to where you make the background.