All about Uranus

Today Room 2 Worked on a planet to write about.

I picked Uranus because it’s a cool planet and its blue, I also like that Uranus has Rings.

Here is my Writing:


Uranus was named after a Greek god of the Sky. Uranus is next to Neptune and Saturn.

Uranus has two sets of rings. The rings are the colour dark Gray. There are two outer rings; the innermost one is reddish like dusty rings.

The planet Uranus has 27 known moons, most of which weren’t discovered. They range from Titania, 981 miles in diameter, to tiny Cupid only 11 miles in diameter.

Uranus owes its vibrant blue-green hues not from unusual oceans but from an upper atmosphere flush with methane, which absorbs the sun’s red light and scatters blue light back to our eyes. The rest of the planet’s atmosphere is largely made of hydrogen and helium, with scant amounts of ammonia, water, and methane.

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun, and has the third-largest diameter in our solar system. Uranus was discovered in 1781 by astronomer William Herschel, although he originally thought it was either a comet or a star.Uranus took shape when the rest of the solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in to become this ice giant.

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