Music From the 1960s

Today my Class was learning about songs from the 1960s. We had to make a copy of a slide show called Music through the years 2022 to do the activities.

here is my 1 of the slides I did:

Here is a link to a site were you can see some 1960 songs

What Song from the 1960s would you pick?

What do you think about the songs?


How to make a honey sandwich

W.A.L.T Write precise instructions

In Room 2 we have been learning to write instructions. We had to make them precise so people know what to do.


How to… Make a honey sandwich 🍯🐝
What you need…
  1. 2 pieces of bread
  2. Honey
  3. A butter knife 
  4. A plate
What you do… Step 1: get 2 pieces of bread and put them next to each other on a plate.

correction version step 1

Step 2: Get the honey jar and open the lid then get the butter knifes and dip them in the jar then take the knife out and spread it all over the bread.
 correction version step 2 
Step 3: Put the other piece of bread on top of the honey you have spread all over the first piece of bread Correction version:  Do the same thing with the other piece of bread then fold the bread in half and YOUR DONE! 🍯🐝

correction version step 3

👍👍👍 well done 👍👍👍 Is all the things correct?- you tell me What would yours say?

Swimming with my school!

Today I have been on an adventure with my school to swimming (QEll). It was So ,so, so Fun. So what we did was split into 2 groups. One group was doing lifesaving lessons, so what they were doing was they went into groups of 2 then one of them goes in the water and the other stays out and threw out ropes to one person in the water. The other group goes on a boat (which was the one I did) and once my group all went on we all fell off backwards.

Here is a picture of me and my group on the boat.

My favourite part was when we fell of the boat.

Here is a pitcher of one of my group members falling off the boat.

It was so, so, so, sooooo fun (again)

What would you think of it if you did it?- Would it be fun, scary, awesome, cool or ok.

Which one would you do if you did it?



the three little pigs (fixed fairy tale)

In Room 2 we have been learning to make a fixed fairy tale

A fixed fairy is a fairy tale but you fix it up a bit like the wolf cant blow them all down.

This is my fixed fairy tale (the three little pigs)

What would yours look like?

Would yours have the pigs setting traps or would yours have it like the normal?

Have you ever seen the story before?

Here is a link to the video




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