Year 6 Cycle safety-2023

Hi, Last week some of the year 6′ s brought their bikes into school for, Cycle safety! I loved it! Let me tell you a little bit about it first before I keep saying I love it. Anyway the days we did it was the 8th & 9th of may, by the way a week before cycle safety I moved up a bike size! First off we met our Instructors, their names were: Jane, Ella, Rubecka, Jess and I forgot the others. SORRY. OK then we learn a little bit about being safe. Like checking our helmets and the bike checking thing: The ABCQ and the 5 L’s. The A in the ABCQ stands for Air, The B Breaks and C chain, The Q is Quick realise leaver. Now the 5 L’s, Leaver, Lean, look, Left (Left side to get on) and Leg. Okay, now for what we did for it! First we practise how to use the 2 breaks on the bikes by lining up then the first person goes and rides into a box of cones then STOPS! Then they go back around to go to the BACK of the line. After that we had a ride across the domain to go into the canopy to do some games to help us get ready to go on the road.

After these photos I will CONTINUE!:

OK I´m BACK! Anyway one the games were, Slow races, That ´ s where you Race but the slowest wins but if you put your foot down YOU GO BACK TO THE START! It was hard, I almost fell over… 2x!! The second one was where you go round in a circle one at a time and then you look back while riding and shout out the number that the Instructor was holding up. That was sort of easy. The final one was Where you go forward then you put one of your hands out the direction your going and hold it for 3 seconds!

The next day We had a go on the road and we went round the block. After like 40 mins of riding round we came back for morning tea. The next time we went IT WAS RAINING and WE STILL DID IT! We were soaked after 5 mins of riding on the road so we stopped in new Brighton under a bridge. We went for a little more riding down next to the river. We were even more soaked so we went back to school.

Thats IT!

What do you think?

Would you do this?

AA Easter- Word find

Hello, This Term we have been working on the AA (Agency Activity) Easter hotspot. I thought that I would post my word find.  The rest of the tasks were fun too though, Like the Idioms. If you dont know what an Idiom means this is what it means:

Here it is:

What do you think?

Do you see any other words?

Respect for self poster

This week we have been learning how to respect ourselves. We all made a poster about it!

Here it is:

If you cant read it because its blurry this is what it says:

Brush your teeth

Kind heart

Wash your hair

Drink water

Eat food

Get exercise

Clean your socks


Thats it!

What do you think?

What would you add to the list?

School Swimming

A week ago we started school swimming, today we swam in the deep pool with life jackets! It was fun and I got to learn about what to do when your ship sinks or boats.

Here are some photos:


My favourite part of today was the life jackets!

What do you think?
Do you swim?

My Description writing- Water falls

Today I made a description writing about water falls. I choose waterfalls because I love looking at them and it just relaxes me. Description writing means that you describe the image or character or scene something that you can describe. I got this Image from google.

Here is a photograph:

if you cant read it it says:

The water was calm and the sky was bright. The waterfalls were as peaceful as a dove just flying around and the sun reflected on the calm water. The mountains watched over like a giant. The slimy fish swam round in the shining water.

What do you think?

What do you enjoy looking at?

Are you good at description writing?